~beautifulangel~ People who are meant to be together, ALWAYS find their way in the end!!


zero5 october `86
21 years old
SCAC Cerebral Palsy Center
Early Interventionist




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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Lonely Esplanade.

today when i was on my way to sch,
i saw Brandy in HollandV.
it was just so funny.
but yeah my journey still continued.
anw school was ok.
cleared some doubts with my lecturer.
after that headed home.

had some probs at home.
if i ever find out something was going on,
i will never be able to forgive that person and will hunt the other person down.
anw i also had some other probs wid my personal life.
i just wanted to be alone so i headed to esplanade.
the scenery was splendid.
i took some pics of esplanade itself and the merlion.
so cute.
sitting all alone made me think.
i had so much on my mind.
felt a little lonely but guess i dun get this kind of private moments to myself.
wish i could turn to someone with all my probs that was bothering me,
so i decided to go somewhere alone and talk to God.
made me feel so much better.
there was this guy selling ice cream and drinks.
he had his whole family there wid him; wife and 2 kids.
the youngest one was abt 1 years old i think.
very cute.
anw there was this couple who was sitting beside me.
there were smooching and hugging and doing all sorts of stuff.
i mean it was in public and they din even bother.
then there was this grp of malay guys who walked passed and said in malay..
'wah not shy and no shame sia'
i totally agree with what they said.
the moon look very romantic.
it was a cresent,
i love looking at the moon esp if its a full moon.
i sprt of cleared things on my mind.
just need to find a job and stand on my 2 feet.
i dun wanna depend on anyone no more.

thanks for everything u have done for me.
really appreciate everything.
i love all my friends and loved ones.
esp my sweetheart shawnieee.

to the person who tagged my blog widout writing ya name.
i wanna say a big thanks to u cause with out u,
i will never realise how many ppl really love and cared for me.
and u have no right to tell me what to do.
u said i shld be happy that ppl still wanna hang out wid me??
haha u can tell those ppl dun waste their tiem if they are forcing themselves,
cause i have better people to hang out wid rather than wasting my time ard hypocrites.
anw i am very much contended with my life cant u tell??
i dun put on a facade,
if u read my blog u will know that i do write my probs also.
i dun think that its something to be ashamed of cause this is life.
with out probs in life it will not be called life,
its called PERFECT!!
and no one is perfect,
for ya info,
i have a wonderful bf, many other friends and my family who stands by me always.
u dun have to tell me what to do and wat not to,
when u are even ashamed to write ya name.
thats all i have to say to u looser.

lilBeautifulangel10:27 PM

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Sunday, May 28, 2006

Complications In Life.

I just recently found out that some people have been saying things that dun even exist.
dun know who the person is also.
anw the issue is so funny.
u can just laugh when u hear it but i shall not write it out,
cause it might be a bit sensative.
i really cant be bothered with all this childishness.
but i just feel the relationships that baby have now is going to get a little affected by it.
aiyah why are people so free to make up stories and all ah??

ok let me come to my day.
i was just at home for 3/4 of my day.
was suppose to go swimming with baby but unfortunately it was raining so din not.
i was helping my bro do his assignment for him.
it is due tmr.
then i went to slp a while as i could not resist the nice weather.
when i woke up i watched vcd.
baby came over to my hse.
we watched s'pore idol a while.
i realised that the guy who acted in 'goal' a tamil drama in central is also a participant in s'pore idol.
the same guy who looks like mok.
hehe so funny.
baby and i was laughing.
but i din really get a chance to see how he sang,
cause we headed to Mt Faber SAFRA.
we met kavi, steph and hakim.
after that we headed back to TB.
we actually wanted to go eat but baby was tired as he needs to go camp tmr.
so baby and i headed back home while the others carried on.
i love being with baby.
it means so much to me.
although its just a little while,
but i still love it.

life is so much of complications.
cleared some of the things that has been bothering me.
but many other thing comes up.
sigh why must life be like such.
but i am not going to let anything affect me.
i have so much of planning to do for my childcare.
alot of lessons and all.
but i am going to enjoy it.
seems so fun.
the center's theme is on food.
yum yum.
so many activities are on my mind now.

i am happy mok is getting better now.
geni i am so sorry gal i've been busy with work.
but i know u are strong.
no matter what i love u ok.
jacq thanks for the sharing.
really appreciate it alot.
muacks to all of u.
making me smile always.

lilBeautifulangel11:08 PM

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Saturday, May 27, 2006

Hurtful Truth.

i just realised some facts.
i have been really sad and thinking about it.
today was the day that i managed to find out.
i plucked up my courage and sent a msg to annah in msn.
guess it was for the better.
then we cleared things,
and i found out alot of stuff.
anw just be happy k.
wish that everything will be normal.
i miss those times when i could just talk to u so carefree.
i really treated u like my own brother.
ya happiness is all that matters.

anw all my brothers in my life.
even those who were not my real ones,
always treated their gf better than me.
my own brothers too.
they will always protect their gf.
but to me their happiness is all that matters.
even if it means to sacrifice talking or wat so ever.

i am feeling so down.
chest is so heavy.
it hurts so bad.
i feel its all my fault.
i shld not have even said anything.
u know sometimes i really feel that caring for the people close to me is very wrong.
it hurts me deep inside.
i feel i am to be blamed for everything that has happened.
i wish i was not even in those ppl's lives.
i ruined everything.
i just realised how much damaged i have caused.
to me i din do anything wrong,
but others thinks otherwise.
i am just so sorry to those whom i have hurt so much.
i am so sorry.
i will stay as far as i can,
so that i wun hurt u further.
the words are still in my head.

no matter what i still love u alot.
no one is ever going to take that feeling away from my heart.
i will pray for u always.
missing u so darn much.
u know one happy moment i can think of clearly is when we went cheekys,
and u carried me in the club and took a pic.
after that we went ragaawoods.
those were wonderful memories i will treasure forever.
i just wanna thank God for allowing me to have at least one happy and unforgettable memory with u.
and to have known u in my life,
i must be so lucky.
love u always.

lilBeautifulangel1:20 AM

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Friday, May 26, 2006

Love Can Be Painful.

love is wonderful and it can hurt too.
sigh i have a few friends who are mending their hearts now from their heartbreak.
i really know how that feels.
it hurts so bad.
i dun really know how to cheer u up,
but all i can say is that its all just tests by God.
he is always watching and guiding although he gives u all the probs.
just take it as it comes and be strong.
i know its easier said than done,
but i went through i rough time before too.
before i know it,
it was much better.
cause i picked myself up.
the more u go into the sadness,
the more worst it gets.
u are just drowning yaself.
pick yaself up.
lead ya lives normally.
you shld be strong for yaself.

for example,
i had not picked myself up after my previous relationship,
i would not have found a wonderul and loving bf i have now.
i am so glad i made my decision and stood strong.
cause if i dint make that decision,
i wld have been very miserable with no one there for me when i am down.
i would not have had a person who protects and loves me so much.
i love my babyboy so much.
i really thank god for bringing him back in my life.
i have never been happier.
although we have many probs,
we still overcome it as we stand strong together.
he may not be well educated or someone big,
but i am still so proud of him.
cause his love is much greater than all that.
he makes me happy with watever he has.
and i am happy with that too.
thanks dada for everything.
u are my life.

lilBeautifulangel10:59 PM

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morning i had driving.
from 8-9.40am
driving was good.
feeling nervous but confident i will do alright.
after driving i saw sindy and ziwen at bbdc.
so shocked.
but stood there talking to them a while.
after that i headed back home.
on the way home,
i passed a primary sch which was having recess.
then i saw this grp of chn who were playing,
and they were showing team work and all.
they were trying to help their friends whp were stuck down the slope.
they were like trying lots of ways to get them up.
it was so nice to see.
i came home and slept.
i was so tired.
i woke up and watched csi.
i missed it yesterday as i was out wid baby.
then i watched this cartoon which reminded me of mok.
there was this character in the cartoon which looked like him,
cause of his hair.
and the face also look so similar.
so cute.

after that baby was suppose to come see me.
but it was raining so he took a longer time.
then we went to meet vinod.
we watched x-men.
it was nice.
i think there will be another episode.
u watch then u will understand why i say that.
i enjoyed myself alot.
saw uma also.
first time meeting her but i can click with her.
i am so proud of myself,
cause almost every gal i meet with the grp,
they will all be smoking except me.
i am so happy.
i love my life.
i am not looking down on anyone or watso ever.
just being happy i am who i am.

these baby pics are so cute.
so i decided to share it with all of u.

lilBeautifulangel2:21 AM

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Treasuring People.

Around the corner I have
a friend,
In this great city
that has no end,
Yet the days go by
and weeks rush on,
And before I know
it, a year is gone.
And I never see my
old friends face,
For life is a swift
and terrible race,
He knows I like him
just as well,
As in the days when
I rang his bell.
And he rang mine if,
we were younger then,
And now we are busy,
tired men.
Tired of playing a
foolish game,
Tired of trying to
make a name.
"Tomorrow" I say! "I
will call on Jim"
"Just to show that
I'm thinking of him."
But tomorrow comes
and tomorrow goes,
And distance between
us grows and grows.
Around the corner!
yet miles away,
"Here's a telegram
sir" "Jim died today."
And that's what we
get and deserve in the
Around the corner, a
vanished friend.
Remember to always say what you mean.
If you love or like
someone, tell them.
Don't be afraid to express yourself. Reach out and
tell someone what they mean to you. Because when
you decide that it
is the right time it might be too late.
Seize the day. Never have regrets. And most
importantly, stay
close to your friends and family, for they have
helped make you
the person that you are today.

lilBeautifulangel1:58 AM

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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

20 Months Anniversary.

Happy 20 Months Anniversary Baby.

today i had a very good sleep.
it was so wonderful.
anw i woke up at 10.30am.
then decided to get ready and go school to meet genieve.
she din tell me that she was going to be in sch early.
hmph but nvm.
anw i went to school and saw her.
so happy.
i think its been 2 weeks since i saw her.
i love her so much.
missed her so much too.
chatted wid geni and kayya.
very nice time i had.
mok is such a bum.
he keeps getting teased by so many people.
poor boy.
anw i saw sharon,
then headed for class.

class was alright.
was very cold in class today.
sharon, misha and myself,
we were suppose to have an outing on friday.
but sharon has work so we are not going.
instead they wanted to go today,
but i cant make it cause i am going out wid baby.
after class,
baby was not ready yet so i followed my gals.

we went to Adam Rd food center.
we had sting ray, noodles and chicken chop.
yum yum.
after some time,
baby came and met us there.
baby had some prob wid camp so we headed back to his hse first.
the camp came to his hse or something like that la.
poor baby.
we were at his house for some time.
after that we left and went to meet vinod in town.

upon meeting him,
i just laughed my heart out.
hmph that guy ah.
shiny things all over his face.
so cute la he.
nvm i shall not write details.
as long as i know what he did its good enuff.
we were suppose to watch X-men,
but then the cinema were full and the first row was the only vaccant ones.
so we did not watch.
we went to eat at NYDC instead.
i had a nice time.
vinod is such a bum.
he actually did a monkey face,
i took a pic of it,
but he is a damn whimp that deleted it.
darn ass bum.
its ok i still can remember that face.
so funny.
i am laughing as i think of it.

uma is back in s'pore.
i spoke to her a little.
she has the indian accent.
wierd but i understand it.
anw cant wait to meet her.

i had a wonderful time.
i am loving every moment i spend with my baby.
you are my life dada.
u make me so happy.
never been this happy with anyone else in my life.
my angel.
my supporter.
my everything.
thanks for everything ma.
you have made my life so much nicer.
u just make me smile no matter what.
i never wanna loose u.

on my way to school.
perfect shot.

baby and i trying to be angry & sad,
but we just had to smile.

20 months of love and happiness.
i am loving it.
dinner at NYDC.

we just love each other so much.
look into my eyes and see how much i love u.

so interested in eating my mudpie.

classic shot.
after dinner at NYDC.

vinod caught on camera.
dun know wats wrong with his lips also.

lilBeautifulangel11:57 PM

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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Happiness Fills Me.

i was very troubled today.
i tired to laugh it out and all but i was still not very happy inside.
i doubt anyone cld even see that.

anw after school i met baby.
i was so happy after that.
i cried in his arms.
he is always forgiving.
i know my baby so well.
sorry dada.
muacks ma.
really appreciatiate u loving me after all that we have been through.
i love u so much.
its endless.
thanks for making me understand so many things.
u are my eye-opener.
i love u da so much.

ya hugs and kisses can cure anything in me.
nothing else i want.
i never want anyone else except u da.
i am sorry for everything.
u made me stronger.

lilBeautifulangel10:45 PM

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Monday, May 22, 2006

Cousins Engagement.

i had a wonderfully long day today.
but i enjoyed my whole day except the very last part of it.
anw i went to sch a little late,
cause i headed to tekka first to do my eyebrow.
i was abt 15 mins late but its ok.
i had loads of fun in school.
misha, sharon and myself were talking n talking.
i like it like that.
its been long since i felt like tat wid the both of them.
we have planned to go eat at Newton tis friday.
not so sure yet cause have to wait and see how much misha gets for her pay.

it was raining just before sch ended.
baby was suppose to come pick me up,
but then his place started to rain so i just decided to go on home myself.
on my way home,
i had a very sharp pain in my chest esp near my heart.
i always have this pain when i know something is going to happen.
i decided not to think anything abt it,
as it will make me hurt more.

i came home had my shower and got ready to go for my cousin's engagement.
i wanted to wear my punjabi suit and i did.
we waited for uncle chia to come pick us up.
i had a small misunderstanding wid daddy but nvm abt that.
anw mummy made me so happy.
i was wondering how to ever tell her abt the situation but she just said it and made me happy.
i told her that my dream of getting married in a church is gone,
but i'll just do it simply in ROM.
she said yes and also she said go and take pictures with wedding gown, indian and malay costume.
i was so happy to hear that.

uncle chia came and pick us up.
its hard to see my cousins these days as we haev our own busy lives,
but at least i can get to see them at functions.
i wish i had more time too so that i can meet up wid my cousins.
so many things to cope with.
anw i am going to be my cousin mary's bridesmaid.
missed her so much.
she looks so pretty.
i took loads of pics there.
thats what i do best eh?

we left the place at about 10pm.
uncle roy sent us back in the lorry.
i was sitting behind wid andrew bro.
we were talking abt life and his school and all.
he is my 'husband' in indian way.
but i love him so much.
he has been calling me wife since i was young.

anw when i was back home,
i wished i was never alive.
i just hated life so much at that point of time.
i had so much of work to do,
yet so little time.
i have no one to turn to.
everyone i love was like changing.
oh maybe i was the one changing so much.

i hate it so much.
why things have to be so bitter??

my god will guide me through all this.
he never fails me.
he never did and never will.
i will try to be strong.
i am never going to let her destroy my life.
i will not evem let the thought of her destroy my life.

my lil bf and me.
emmanual is his name.

my husband and myself.
he trying so hard to keep his eyes open.

maxi and me.
trying to do stupid faces.

my mummy and me.
she trying to be funny.

my cousin, her husband and me.
their engagement.

my beautiful cousin and me.
she is sick on her engagement day.
poor angel.

me trying to act funny.
hehe i think can pass off as it eh??

me all set and ready to leave my hse.
i feel good.

lilBeautifulangel10:52 PM

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Sunday, May 21, 2006


early in the morning at about 3.20am,
i woke up feeling so scared.
i had a very bad dream.
it was kinda funny yet scary.
there was this aeroplane which was carrying a ship.
i have no idea why,
but it was carrying the ship.
and suddenly the ship fell into the water causing a major wave.
then the plane tried to carry the ship again,
but this time the ship fell onto a part of S'pore.
it caused a massive destruction.
i was so scared and very sad too cause i was only with my daddy.
i knew my mum was at home all alone,
and i so felt liek seeing her.
i din know where my both brothers were either.
then when i turned my head,
i saw my mum.
but i was still so scared.
it was as though my whole life is going to be ripped apart.
i just woke up and started crying.
i called baby and he was trying to calm me down.
then after a while i was ok.
i prayed and went back to sleep.

when i went back to sleep again,
i dreamt of something else.
it was a sweet dream.
i dreamt that i was out with baby, annah and some others,
and i was sad for some reason.
then annah saw me standing one side,
he came and said sorry and kissed my forehead.
it was all ok alr.
he said he realised everything and all.
i was so happy.
he hugged me and everything came bakc to normal.
but when i woke up,
i realised it was just a dream.
how i wish it was really true.

i woke up at about 10am.
then started to do my brother's work for him.
after that i realised that baby was here in telok blangah.
he din even tell me anything.
i actually found out from nessa that he was here.
but when i asked him,
he denied and kept lying.
i felt so pissed,
but then i understood his intentions.
sorry baby.
i love u so much.
met baby, vinod, damien and steph at the 24 hours to eat.
after all the food,
vinod and i took a bus to suntec,
while baby rode there.

we bought the 7.30pm movie for Poseidon.
then we went walking around suntec.
baby, vinod and i played datona.
first game vinod was first, baby second and me third.
vinod cheated in this game.
second game baby first, vinod second and me third again.
tiem flew very fast and soon we headed to the cinema.
the movie is good.
when i was watching it,
i felt like it ws somehow similar to my dream or i can call it nightmare.
but the movie is good.
people u should go and watch it,
cause its worth ya money.
i feel its a little better than titanic.

after movie we sat down at coffee bean a while.
then headed home.
i enjoyed my day totally.
i love u so much babyboy.
maucks my love.
my guiding angel.

after lunch at 24 hours.
i just cant resist his kisses.
so delicious.

after watching Poseidon.
darn good movie.

baby and me.
chilling at coffee bean.

my sleepy babyboy.
so tired and not well too.

he is so yummylicious.
yum yum.

baby looks like kolar bear.
so cute.
my boboy.

lilBeautifulangel10:26 PM

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Saturday, May 20, 2006

sinking in my own thoughts.

i am missing all the good times.
i am missing what life really means.
i am just thinking how to solve my current situation.
i am happy with my relationship.
i am most content.
i am confused though with everything that is happening at this current moment.
its the toughest problem i am going to face or lets say facing now,
cause i have never been through such things.
all i know is that GOD is never going to forsake me.
my love is strong,
and i am strong.
but the evil can take over.
i am still standing strong.
no matter what comes,
i will stand steadfast and protect my baby and loved ones.
u are never going to take my baby away from me.
are u not ashamed??
u alr have someone with you,
who u actually did something to.
and now u want my babyboy??
dream on sucker!!
i will never let that happen.
my faith is so much stronger.
no matter what kinds of evil u do,
you will never achieve what u want.
my baby will never fall for u.
dun u get it.
u will never get the love u really want cause u are doing a major sin.
and thats going to back fire.
i am not cursing u.
its just what u have done to yaself.
i really hate u.
if u ever do anything to harm anyone i love,
mark my words i will get u.
dun push me to my limits.
u have not seen the true me.
so just back off and lead ya own life.

lilBeautifulangel9:48 PM

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Save the Afflicted

Save the Afflicted
We beseech thee, Master, to be our helper and protector.
Save the afflicted among us;
have mercy on the lowly;
raise up the fallen;
appear to the needy;
heal the ungodly;
restore the wanderers of thy people;
feed the hungry;
ransom our prisoners;
raise up the sick;
comfort the faint-hearted.

lilBeautifulangel9:37 PM

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Prayer Against Oppression

Prayer Against Oppression

Almighty God, who hast created us in thine own image:
Grant us grace fearlessly to contend against evil and to make no peace with oppression;
that we may reverently use our freedom,
help us to employ it in the maintenance of justice in our communities and among the nations,
to the glory of thy holy Name;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit,
one God,
now and for ever.

lilBeautifulangel9:31 PM

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Friday, May 19, 2006

Shocking Fact!!

today i had only one hour of class.
and during class my lecturer gave us the centers that we will be attached to this sem.
i am so happy cause i am going to go back to the same center.
Wesley Child Development Center.
we were watching a video in class,
and the children were very cute.
one of the boy was playing doctor and he used one of the blocks as a thermometer and checked the temperature of his friend.
then the teacher asked him if the temp is ok.
and he said no its not.
not a very gd sign actually.
so cute.
then he said we need to fix her up.

ok after sch misha, sharon n i stayed back to do our project and to have lunch as well.
after doing the project,
i headed to causeway point.
wanted to surprise my angel.
i actually wanted to make it on time during her lunch break but cld not.
so i just went to her work place.
she seemed so happy.
i was too cause i was suppose to meet her on wed and thrus but cld not make it.
so i was happy too.
anw i was looking at the clothes in the department,
its all so cute.
oh my when i have kids,
i will dress them up so nice.
they had socks and mittens that were so tiny.
so cute.
i cant wait to have my own kid.
i love u sweets.

after that i went to baby's hse.
and i actually found out something.
i was and still am very sad.
why are people like that.
i am really very depressed.
anw baby was there to console me.
i love u so much da.
i was suppose to go for driving but i din cause my heart was so heavy and painful.
i still cld not accept the fact that,
that particular thing has happened.
after some time,
baby sent me back home.
we stayed wid kavinesh and damien at the shelter for some time and then we both headed home.

i hate you!!
i really do.
if i ever see u again,
i really dun know what i will do.
i dun know why u are still alive!!
why do u do this??
why cant u love a person in the normal way??
do u have to do something to gain the person's love or wat??
oh my,
whats the world coming to.
i dun know what to do.
i have no idea how to handle this kind of situation,
but i know that GOD will give me the strength.
i need to protect my baby.
i am not going to let that BITCH take him away from me.
i know u like him,
and i am never going to let anything happen to him.
mark my words,
for what you have done,
HE is watching and u will be judged.
i am very disappointed with life.
very very sad that i am encountering this situation.
but i am strong.
you wun bring me down BITCH.
i will do anything just to save my baby and everyone i love.
i will stay strong and kill u with that will power.
i hate you and just thinking abt u makes my blood boil.

lilBeautifulangel11:34 PM

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Thursday, May 18, 2006

Wild Sex.

today i was watching National Geographic channel.
i came across this documentry about animals having sex.
the tittle was 'Wild Sex'
it was really amazing the facts of animals mating.
it was funny as well.
there was this male baboon who was chasing after this particular female baboon for 3 hours.
and that female baboon turned him down 43 times in that 3 hours.
and after that they showed how his penis shrunk!!
haha it was funny la.
i dun think its disgusting cause its nature.
they even showed how bees mate.
after ejaculating,
the male bee will sing a song to the female with the buzzing sound,
which actually turns the female's sex drive off,
so that she will behave and not mate with any other male.
they also showed how sharks mate, birds mate and many more
but cause my mum was watching her tamil drama i could not watch that.
its all very interesting.

lilBeautifulangel1:51 PM

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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

tiring day.

when i was on my way to school today,
i saw a guy riding on a bicycle.
then he was trying to turn when he just fell to the ground in the middle of the road.
i was so shocked.
but i saw it for a few seconds,
din manage to see if he got up well,
cause the bus moved off.

anw in school i was trying my very best to keep awake.
i dun know why but my eyes were so heavy and keeps shutting.
but i just tried every way to keep awake.

after class i headed to baby's house.
i just felt like being with him.
so i went there.
no one was at home except baby.
then after some time mummy and nessa came home.
i just like to play wid nessa.
i just feel i can relate to her.
anw i was talking to mummy about so many things.
shawn's camp and all.
i am so tired.
then after some time daddy came back to.
he was talking about spirits and all.
it was kinda scary but i like to listen.

baby sent me home.
then he went to m'sia to top up petrol.
i love baby so much.
anw i was so tired that i checked my mail and went to lie on my bed.
i just knocked out on my bed.
baby called me when he reached home.
spoke to him for a while then went to slp.
i love baby so much.

praying for someone to wake up and know whats happening now.
to realise that he is moving away from his loved ones.
that he is becoming someone so different tat his loved ones cant relate to anymore.
i am sad.
but i can only pray.
pls come back.
u need to wake up and know whats really happening.
think for yaself dun let anyone else manipulate u.
i love u so much,
that u cant even understand.
pls come back.
you are not yaself anymore.
its really hard to see u like that.

lilBeautifulangel11:44 PM

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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Irritating Class.

today i was suppose to meet misha and sharon to do project,
but in the end we just discussed online.
baby sent me to school.
i was very irritated when class started.
now our classes are much bigger.
its 2 classes together.
the C class and the D class.
the C class ppl always does something to look down on us or just try to show that they are much better.
today when class started,
everyone was making so much of noise,
and one of the C class gal said,
"People class has started can you keep quiet?''
I was so annoyed.
u know they think that they are much bigger than us and all.
come on la.
u are in the same course as us la.
anw i just hate the big class cause we cant be ourselves.
we cant ask or joke ard like normal.
aiyah just hate it so much.
its like so much of hatred and all in the class.

anw mok i have something to frame u up wid eh??
so dun forget.
dun worry i not so bad la.
baby came and pick me up after school.
then we went to 24hrs and ate.
was very hungry.
then i came home and slept.

woke up and did some project stuff.
did my part of the work.
i am feeling darn tired.
but after a while i went to meet baby.
i always enjoy myself when i am with my baby no matter who is ard.
as long as my baby is there,
i will enjoy mayself.

anw i am getting pissed with people.
who the hell are u to talk abt people?
you wanna act all innocent??
you write and talk abt people you loathe,
when u actually say u want them out of ya life.
pls la make up ya damn mind??
u talk abt someone so badly but did u look at yaself first??
u are just bigger everytime i see you.
dun act cute cause u are not.
u force yaself too much that it becomes so annoying to even watch.
pls la no one wants to be like u.
you are a fat B***H.
dun think so highly of yaself.
u wanna talk right??
i also can do the same thing.
you say she is so thin that people can see through her,
but you are so fat that u block other's view.
i know i am stooping to ya level now.
but it does not get in ya head.
pls la u wanna confront me come on la.
what u waiting for??
why u so scared is it??
i dun care how big u are,
i aint scared at all.
you wanna show attitude,
i can too!!
and dun show off and all,
cause its not going to buy u fame or popularity!!
ppl are just going to hate you.
you are never genuine.
the sight of u just disgusts me.
you wanna blog abt someone,
blog abt someone u really want in ya life,
dun waste ya time blogging on a person u actually wanna forget,
cause they cant be bothered abt you.
stop taking control of people.
and i am not getting jealous by anything u say.
u are just a copycat.
like i said u were never original!!
get a life woman,
oh sorry wrong word used.
get a life immature B***H!!
act ya age pls.
so old already yet wanna be so childish!!
haha why wanna show ppl u can be young is it??
pls la ok.
grow up la.
annoying piece of dumbass!!
no one is buying ya act.
not try too much to make connections,
or show ya presence cause its not working.
ppl just dun think u exist.
stop trying to make other ppl's life miserable when urs is actually going down the drain.
when we say we dun want u in our lives,
we mean it unlike u.
wanna act as if everything is fine and dandy.
nothing will be changed no matter how hard you try.
so just f*** off and lead ya own life.

i dun want u in mine.
you disgust me by just the slightest thing said or wat so ever.
get lost.
u are not worthy of anything.

lilBeautifulangel7:12 PM

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Sunday, May 14, 2006

Seoul Garden.

Today i watched 'Raising Helen'.
i really liked the movie.
after the movie i went to have a short nap.
then i called mok's phone,
and spoke to laxhmi.
i cleared everything with her.
i dun forget things but i did forgive.
anw after the long long talk,
i got ready to head to church.
mum went there first then i left later.
mum told me and my second brother something,
which made me so angry.
but i dun know how true is that.
ok anw baby and vinod came to meet me at church.
they are following my family to dinner.
i went with my eldest brother and parents in the car,
while vinod went with baby.

we went to Seoul Garden at Marina Square.
we took some time just to get there,
firstly cause the car park was so full,
and secondly Seoul Garden was so far away from the car park.
at last we reached the place.
i was so hungry.
i kinda felt like fainting since i was in church alr.
maybe cause i din eat lunch.
i had a very fun time during dinner.
it was nice.
i love it when there are many opportunities for baby to bond wid my family.
my second brother din come with us cause he is vegetarian.
i enjoyed myself so much.

after dinner,
baby sent vinod till telok blangah and he went home from there.
i followed my parents in the car home.
my parents and eldest bro was heading to ashoka after that.
i din go with them cause i din want to.
i stopped clubbing long time ago alr.
baby then came to my hse.
he was watching me play yahoo game and was so amazed.
after some time mummy left cause my bro came to pick her up.
i spent time with baby.
i love it when i get quality time with him.
i was telling him all my probs and all.
he was so good to give me his shoulder to cry on.
he took care of me so much.

then we went down to meet Kavinesh, Stephen and Damien.
Kavinesh was so free at home then he was trying to make his own sheesha.
when i saw all his equipments,
i really felt he was so darn free.
so cute la he.
anw we headed to Stream Garden and then experimented on Kavinesh's sheesha.
we tried many things but it din really work out.
Stephen din wanna give up no matter what.
cause once there was a little smoke coming out,
BUT in the end he just gave up.
while we were actually trying it out,
Chicha and his friend came again,
bringing another stupid bike.
dun know where he gets the bike also.
from the moment he came,
i was so darn irritated with him.
i knew he wld say something abt us trying to make our own sheesha,
and he did.
later on that stupid ass also followed us.
and he was so proud of his stupid invention that no one was intrested in except Damien.
after some time,
he and the friend went to the bike and started riding ard.
they were making so much noice at 3 plus in the morning.
the bike was so darn noisy.
and they also wanna drag when its a short road.
when baby told them not to make so much noise,
he asked baby to wait.
anw when we we were walking back home,
there were petrol cars rounding.
i wish one of them would catch the stupid ass.
when we reached the shelter,
Chicha hid the bike behind the shelter in case police came.
after baby sent me home,
police screened the guys there,
BUT he was caught still.
aiyah i give up on him la.
anw i waited for baby to reach stephen's hse then i slept.

Happy Mothers' Day Mummy.
i love u so much.
i wanna thank you for everything that u have done for me.
muacks my wonder woman!!
i love u endlessly!

laxhmi pls think before u do anything anymore.
you are old enuff and responsible for ya actions.
question first before assuming.
god bless u in ya life and decisions u make.
you make ya life not anyone else.

baby thanks for everything u have done for me.
thanks for being there for me.
i love u so much.
i enjoyed myself with u so much.

mummy and me at seoul garden.

babe and me posing like the advertisment on bods body nits shop.

baby and me after our satisfying dinner.

muacks to the both of u.

me posing for a pic,
while waiting for my brother.
too dark so cld not see the esplanade.

lilBeautifulangel3:43 AM

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Saturday, May 13, 2006

updated pics of sheesha day.

Baby trying to do seduce vinod.
so funny.

Kavinesh eating his food.

caught on camera.

Baby smoking sheesha.

sexy boy.

Stephen chilling out in the comfy pillows and smoking sheesha.

Damien smoking sheesha.

So style eh??

Small kid he.

lilBeautifulangel11:25 PM

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Friday, May 12, 2006

u annoy me!!

i am getting damn pissed with you!!
you are not a fashion person,
neither are u a person i wanna turn to.
you really disgust me.
come on cant u be original??
pls la get ya own style and words to say!!
i thought u were nice or something,
BUT you are changing my impression of u.
i am really getting sick of ya nonsense.
damn u man!!
get lost from my life!!
ppl are not fond of ya style or wat so ever.
get it in ya head.
go get a life of your own!
seriously get a life!!

lilBeautifulangel4:54 PM

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How a 7 year old explains sex.

Little Johnny was 7 years old
and like
other boys
his age rather

He had been hearing quite a bit
about 'making out'
from the older boys, and he wondered
what it was
and how it was done.

One day he took his question to his
mother, who
became rather flustered. Instead of
things to Johnny, she told him to hide
behind the
curtains one night and watch his older
sister and
her boyfriend.

This he did. The following morning,
described EVERYTHING to his mother.

"Sis and her boyfriend sat and talked for
a while,
then he turned off most of the lights.
Then he
started kissing and hugging her. I
figured 'Sis must
be getting sick, because her face started

He must have thought so too, because he
put his
hand inside her blouse to feel her heart,
just the
way the doctor would. Except he's not as
smart as
the doctor because he seemed to have
finding her heart. I guess he was getting
sick too,
because pretty soon both of them started
and getting all out of breath.

His other hand must have been cold
because he
put it under her skirt.

About this time 'Sis got worse and began
to moan
and sigh and squirm around and slide
the end of the couch. This was when her
started. I knew it was a fever, because Sis
told him
she felt really hot.

Finally, I found out what was making
them so
sick......-a big eel ;had gotten inside his
somehow. It just jumped out of his pants
stood there, about 10 inches long,
honest, anyway
he grabbed it in one hand to keep it from

When Sis saw it, she got really scared-her
got big, and her mouth fell open, and
she started
calling out to God and stuff like that. She
said it
was the biggest one she's ever seen; I
should tell
her about the ones down at the lake by
our house!

Anyway, Sis got brave and tried to kill the
eel by
biting its head off. All of a sudden she
grabbed it
with both hands and held it tight while he
took a
muzzle out of his pocket and slipped it
over the
eel's head to keep it from biting again.

Sis lay back and spread her legs so she
could get
a scissor-lock on it and he helped by lying
on top
of the eel. The eel put up a hell of a

Sis started groaning and squealing and
boyfriend almost upset the couch. I guess
wanted to kill the eel by squashing it

After a while they both quit moving and
gave a
great sigh. Her boyfriend got up, and sure
they killed the eel. I knew because it just
there, limp, and some of its insides were

Sis and her boyfriend were a little tired
from the
battle, but they went back to courting
anyway. He
started hugging and kissing her again. By
the eel wasn't dead! It jumped straight up
started to fight again.

I guess eels are like cats- they have nine
lives or
something. This time, Sis jumped up and
tried to
kill it by sitting on it. After about a 35
struggle, they finally killed the eel. I knew
it was
dead, because I saw Sis's boyfriend peel
its skin
off and flush it down the toilet.

lilBeautifulangel9:08 AM

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Thursday, May 11, 2006

Wonderful Slacking Session.

i've been waiting for this day,
cause i am going to meet an angel.
but first i headed to tekka to get my eyebrows done.
after that i went to city hall to take a train to town.
then i saw genieve in the train.
if i had taken a bus i wld have been early and waiting for her.

anw we alighted at somerset and bought some food at the 7-eleven.
then we sat at starbucks and ate our food.
i bought a drink from there,
otherwise we will not be able to sit there.
from the moment we met,
we have been talking non-stop.
i love it like that.
i always feel so comfortable when i am with her.
we were just talking about some ppl.
but they are actually unworthy to speak of.

baby kept msging me asking where am i and who i was with.
i had a feeling he was coming to surprise me.
i just had a strong feeling he was going to do that.
and then i was talking to geni and she suddenly said 'Your BF!'
i turned ard and i saw no one but i heard key noise.
cause baby always hangs his keys on his jeans and this is how i know if he is ard or not.
when i turned again after a few seconds,
he was walking towards us.
i was so happy.
see i know his intentions.
muacks my baby.
i am happy u came.
u always make me happy.

after some time vinod also joined us.
baby and vinod always doing nonsense.
so funny.
anw after some time mokan came and met us.
he was so quiet.
maybe first time and all so he just kept quiet.
but i never fail to disturb him.
i had a great time.

we were all hungry so we headed to ps.
we went to eat at macs.
something funny happened there.
Mokan was eating and he smudged some curry sauce on his lips accidently.
it was so funny.
i think i was the only one who saw what had happened.
anw something more hilarious was happening in macs.
there was this guy who was using a shaver and shaving his beard and all.
can u imagine someone doing it in macs??
and we saw a lady who was kinda big in size,
and was wearing a very low neck lace top.
her breast was also quite big,
and she kept pulling her top up so many times.
aiyo it was kinda annoying la.

ok after eating we wanted to play pool.
we went to a pool place beside park mall but it was very crowded,
so we headed to meridian to play.
on the way there,
i saw gurpreet, amalina and press (my sec sch friends).

genieve din wanna play so she just sat and watched us play.
first game i played with vinod.
it has been long since i played pool.
i played and i lost the first game.
then the next game i played i won.
i played against vinod and i won.
i am back in business my man.
anw i played against mokan and i won also.
but when i played against baby,
i lost cause he and vinod cheated.
the told me that my balls are are solid but it was actually not.
aiyah anw it was a great game.
we played a last pair game.
vinod and baby were a pair and i paired up with mokan.
it was a wonderful game.
mokan and i won the game!

then we headed to ps back again.
baby had his bike parked there,
genieve and mokan took the mrt back home.
i left first as my bus had arrived alr.

on the bus i felt terrible.
my head was killing me.
i dun know why but i was having a piercing pain on the right side of my head.
i controlled till i reached home.
when i was home i felt like vomiting.
maybe it was cause i was hunry as we ate quite early.
but i took panadol and tried to control.
after that i drank milk.
i felt a little better.

i watched super nanny.
i am very shocked at how the kids treat their parents.
this is the 3rd episode a kid is calling their mum a BITCH!!
oh my.
i mean if my kid was to say that,
i dun knwo what i wld have done.
anw next week's episode,
another kid will scold her mum a BITCH!!

after super nanny i went to lie down and was talking to baby.
when i was talking to baby,
i felt like vomiting and i went to vomit.
after vomiting my head was so painful again.
damn man.
but its ok.
baby was so nice.
i know if he was beside me,
he will take real good care of me.

anw i enjoyed my day endlessly.
i love u all loads.
cant wait to go out more.
thanks u all.
missing u so much genieve.
my angel.
mok sorry for blogging abt the macs thingy,
and pls talk more the next time k.
no need to ACT shy all.
haha and u owe me a dance eh dun forget.

baby missing u so much.
wish i can be in ya arms now.
my baby so poor thing.
so tired and not feeling well also.
muacks ok.
dun worry so much.

vinod STOP being an ass.
but i still love u.

me on my way to tekka.

the angel who never fails to me make smile.

lilBeautifulangel10:24 PM

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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

to the swimming pool.

at last i am back to sch.
i feel so much better.
even if i am sick i dun think i can take mc or miss sch again.
another day of missing sch and i will be over the 15 or 20 percent.
anw sch was good.
felt a little tired still but i loved it all.

i met sharon and misha to start on our project work.
misha came late,
so while waiting for her,
sharon was teaching or more like explaining to me all that i have missed.
i am very thankful to have wonderful course/classmates/friends like the both of them.
anw when misha came,
we started on the project.
it was kinda hard actually.
but we managed to pull it off quite well.
anw both of them were sitting infront of me in canteen 1,
where the music was kinda loud and was lunch time.
SO i was not able to hear what they were discussing abt the project,
CAUSE both of them speak so softly by nature.
but i was trying my best to read their lips and figure it out.
watever it is i enjoyed my day.
thanks sweeties.

after sch i waited for baby to come fetch me.
we headed to my hse first.
hmph baby wanted to go swimming to train for his test.
so i thought to tag along.
so i changed and we went to eat first.
we met Kavi, Damien and Jerimiah at 24hours.
we ate and headed to Bodoh's Pondoh!!
there annah and his gf were also sitting down.
wonder why they came but not my business.
anw it was really funny.

we left telok blangah at about 8pm i guess.
then headed to MountFaber Safra.
Damien, Jeri, Baby and i.
it was really fun swimming.
i haven gine swimming in a long time.
but it was nice.
Jerim kept disturbing Damien.
baby was practicing trapping water.
poor baby so tired.
anw Damien won me and Jeri as he could stay in the water the longest.
so cute la he.
i had fun.

after swimming we head back to 24 hours to have dinner.
i shared with baby food.
was not really hungry.
then Stephen, Suresh and his gf joined us.
after some time all of us left.
i walked home,
while baby went back home.

i am so darn tired.
my muscles are aching cause of the swimming.
but its shiok.
nice nice.
i enjoyed swimming esp with baby.
muacks dada.
i love u so much.

anw ppl i actually went to find some info about shisha.
so if u interested,
click on the word shisha and it will lead u to that page.

i wish my bro will snap out of his dream.
i wish he will wake up and move on.
i am sad to see him like that.
i am really not blaming anyone but himself.
i really love him so much.
move on my dear.
you cannot be like how u are forever.
you cant force a person.
no matter how long you wait or no matter which God you pray to,
if she is not meant to be urs she will not be.
pls wake up ya ideas.
look around you.
why should u be like that??
sometimes i am sick of talking to you,
but i have no choice.
i try my best to make u understand but u fail to do so.
what am i to do for u??
no one can help you unless you help yaself.
pls try to help yaself in the correct way first.
then everything will fall in place.
i love to be around you.
i love to joke with you.
i love to share with you about everything.
but that was last time.
now i can hardly even talk to u.
there is just too many obstacles.
i really wish it was all the same again.
i pray everyday for that.
although we are not in good terms like before,
i still never fail to pray for u and love u like no other.
i love and care for u so much.
but i guess u fail to understand that.
maybe one day.
i'll wait for that one day.
even if it takes forever.
just wanna say i love u.
i cant wait to see my angel tml.
we are going out again.
love u sweet.s
missed u so much.
its been a week since i saw u.
going to give u a big big huggies!!

lilBeautifulangel11:46 PM

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