~beautifulangel~ People who are meant to be together, ALWAYS find their way in the end!!


zero5 october `86
21 years old
SCAC Cerebral Palsy Center
Early Interventionist




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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Wonderful Day =)

lilBeautifulangel7:07 PM

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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Pain or Happiness??

''Sometimes pain become such a huge part of your life that you expect it to be there because you can't remember a time in your life when it wasn't. But then one day you feel something else, something that feels wrong only because its so unfamiliar.And in that moment you realize your happy.''

I really feel that sometimes, misery is my best friend. But somehow or another the people I love changes that very fast and I realised how blessed I am to have such people in my life. And I know how happy I actually am in life. I also realised that misery, pain and sadness are all part of our lives and it just needs proper management to overcome all of those things and to be happy once again.
Without misery, pain and sadness, you will not realise how strong you actually are. You will just be a plan person who never really knew yourself. That's who I have become now. I have been through so much in this life that I have become so much stronger in many ways that I have never imagined.
Somehow over these past few years, I have grown so much and I am really impressed myself. I owe it all to my fat ass. He never fails to teach me many things in my personal and work life. It has really taught me how to react to people and how to be a better person. I am glad he is always there for me. And I am so in love with him.
Always & Forever =)

lilBeautifulangel6:04 PM

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Friday, June 19, 2009

I really dun understand the whole ''Life'' thing!!

I was not feeling so good today. Kept feeling a very heavy feeling in my heart and I could not breathe for a few seconds. I didnt really pay any attention to that feeling, but after hearing the news of the death of one of our kid's father, I realised why I had that feeling. I am very close to that girl and I can feel things like that happening. Then a while later I find out that another one of kid just passed away.

It is so hard to accept all of this. Its too much to deal with it all at one time. I have loads of things that has been happening today and this is really a sucky day for all of this to happen as dada is working late. I really feel so lost. My mind is actually wondering all around the place and I cant seem to stop it.

I know its not really very healthy but I cant seem to fight it. I know time will heal it somehow. Sometimes I wonder, if I cant take this then how am I going to handle it if its a person who is so close to me? I do not think I can handle this kinds of stress. Moreover, I am so worried about my own student who went through with Liver transplant. He is my fav student and I love him so so much. I think I will just break down if anything happens to him.

I've learnt one lesson from today, ''Live your life to the fullest!!''

lilBeautifulangel9:06 PM

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lilBeautifulangel1:44 PM

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cheer Up =)

Lifes too short. To fight. To be miserable. Dont let the bitter ones change how awesome you are.

Do not let anyone bring you down in no matter what way possible. Life is for sure too short for all these kinds of unworthy things. You can spend that time in a more useful way. You have many people who are always there for you and always wanting the best for you. Do not let them down in any way also.

Take a look at yourself in the mirror. Who do you see looking back?Or is there someone else you were meant to be? The person you should have been but fell short of?

Sometimes I feel that I am supposed to be a different person altogether, but somehow I am not that person. I do not know if I have changed but I just feel things are different. I know I am a better person than this, I guess we are still trying to figure ourselves out throughout our whole life through.

Sometimes happiness doesn't come from fame or money or power. Sometimes happiness comes from good friends and family and the quiet nobility of leading a good life.
I know I have a wonderful family and no one can change that ever. They have always been there for me through it all and I am grateful for it. Thank you so much for always showing me the love and concern. I have a wonderful boyfriend who never fails to teach me about life every single day and to help me in any way possible. I am glad I have these people in my life. I also have my students who are always making me happy in one way or another. I am thankful for being in this job and helping kids. I love them all.

lilBeautifulangel10:59 AM

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Make A Wish...

Make a wish and place it in your heart...
Anything you want everything you want...
Do you have it...Good...
Now believe it can come true...
You never know where the next miracle is gonna come from...
The next smile...
The next wish come true...
But if you believe that it’s right around the corner...
And you open your heart and mind to the possibility of it...
To the certainty of it...
You just might get the thing you're wishing for...
The world is full of magic you just have to believe in it...
So make your wish...
Do you have it...Good...
Now believe in it...
With all your heart

lilBeautifulangel7:12 PM

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Life is a rollercoaster ride!!!

It really hurts me to see someone I really love go through such a situation. I was really so upset and did not know what to do when I found out what had happened! I was really so lost! I was in a course and I could not concentrate at all. I had to turn to dada for help and to help me see things in the right way.

I was so stressed through out the whole day and could not think straight. All I know is that I wanted to break someone's face!! I would have really done that if I really could find that little brat!! Dont come and tell me this is love and all that rubbish! I saw through you the first time already and this is one of your indecent and sly plan to lure this person in.

Just remember that no matter what you do, YOU WILL NEVER WIN!! He has a strong support and his family and friends will always be there for him. Unlike you where you have NO ONE!! Just midn your own damn business and F**K OFF before I really break your face!!

You really do not know the power of friendship and true love from family and friends. And you must have thought that this would be an easy battle. BUT you thought wrong! Dont try your nonsense again!! You will really go down this time round!!

lilBeautifulangel8:15 PM

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Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Our First Night Out.

It was our first night out together, we had been planning like forever and it happened at last. It was really fun. We ate at Hooters and then went for dessert at Haggen Daz. It was wonderful. We were talking about so many things. We were also planning for a trip in August. Just the 4 of us. I am so loooking forward to that.
It was really nice, just having a girls night out, moreover we are a family and we should be able to be getting along well. Who cares if people cant except that we are ok with each other or what so ever. I mean we had our differences but now all is good. And I hope to think of it in that way.
Although I was sick, I was indulging on sinful delights. LOL. For one night I dont think anyone will get hurt. BUT I am coughing like mad now!! Hahaha..its all for a good cause so its all good. When I came back home, baby was already asleep. I guess he was waiting up for me but he just was too tired.
I am just listening to the radio now and surfing the net. When I am supposed to do paperwork. I cant wait for the end of the year as I will be celebrating Christmas & New Year in London. Yippie! And of course our friend's wedding in January. So we will be staying there for about 3 weeks and it will be great fun!! Never been to a far country before and this will be my second trip away. I am so excited. Now I am starting to buy my winter clothes already.
Cheers =)


lilBeautifulangel9:34 AM

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Tuesday, June 02, 2009


I do not understand why people have so much to say, but they do not loook at their own backs!!! They just act so childish and never seem to stop. I guess these kinds of people are just so free and do not have a job, thus taking this on as their full time job.

You can say all you want, but you aint going to get the better of me. You think all these stuff will break me? You must be really thinking so highly of yourself eh? Oh maybe you dont have a life of your own that's why you need to keep coming here and updating yourself on my life.

Please find something better to do. But then again you are so low that I cant even believe I am wasting my time on such a low person. I dont go stooping so low to someone like you. You can write all you want, but that does not change any fact in my life. If you have something to feel happy about you will know what I mean. But I guess you dont, you dont have a job you love, you dont have someone who loves you back and you are so damn low!!

Find a better HOBBY!!!

lilBeautifulangel8:23 AM

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Monday, June 01, 2009

Down with fever, cough and flu.

It is not really a very good time to fall sick. I am having fever, flu and cough now. I just went to the doc's and every single time when I go there, my body temp will be normal. But when I get back home the fever starts to kick in again. Sigh!!

I am so pissed!! But I got a few meds so I am going to take them and rest for a little while. I have to get up later and do loads of paper work. I have meeting with parents these few weeks and I have to prepare the goals and progress reports of the kids. I hate paper work!!

Yesterday, we had a small BBQ cum Surprise Party for Matthew (sean's godson) for his 2nd birthday. It was really nice having family over and having a good meal. I love the chicken that Sean marinated and I LOVED the prawns that I marinated. It was so yummy!! Hahhaha..

Ok now I have to go n sleep. Meds is kicking in already.

lilBeautifulangel10:28 AM

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